Just like us, animals can experience accidents, many of which result in injury. Sometimes injuries are minor and can be treated at home, but in some cases, they can be much more serious, requiring veterinary intervention. Our pets can also become sick very suddenly. While every effort will always be made to treat your pet with as minimal fuss as possible, there are some circumstances in which emergency surgery really is the best course of action.
We understand that the thought of your pet undergoing surgery can be very frightening. However, surgical intervention is only carried out when it is the safest and the best course of action. Emergency surgery on animals is always carried out using a general anesthetic. Not only does this mean that your beloved pet can’t experience pain, but it also enables your veterinary team to work quickly and safely to resolve the issue that your pet is experiencing.
There is a range of reasons why your pet may need emergency surgery. Here are some of the most common:
Urethral or Bowel Blockage
Passing urine and feces are two essential bodily functions. However, issues can arise which can make it difficult for them to do so. In some cases, it’s possible for the urethra or bowel to become completely blocked – both of which are extremely painful, life-threatening conditions. The most common causes of urinary obstructions are bladder stones, urethral stones, prostate disease, and tumors. Meanwhile, the bowel can become blocked by impacted feces, tumors, or a foreign body that your pet may have ingested. Urgent surgery is necessary to remove the blockages and restore normal body function.
Removing a Foreign Body
Animals are fairly smart creatures, but it doesn’t always stop them from putting their nose where they shouldn’t or eating things that aren’t actually suitable for food. The trouble is that these can get stuck, either blocking their windpipe and choking them, or passing them down into the stomach where they could cause damage or create an obstruction. If your pet has swallowed something that it shouldn’t, surgery may be needed to remove it.
Fracture Repairs
Unfortunately, broken bones are just as common in animals as they are in humans. They can occur for the same reasons too – such as slips and trips, crush injuries, and falls. Being hit by a vehicle is a common reason for a pet to experience a fracture. Depending on the extent of the break, it may be necessary for your pet to have surgery to secure the bone in the correct place. This is usually done using rods, screws, and plates, and your pet will need to be closely monitored to check on the progress of their healing and recovery.
Internal Bleeding
Some types of injury and illness can cause your pet to experience internal bleeding. This is where your pet is hemorrhaging blood within its body, but it isn’t visible to the naked eye. This means that you will be reliant on noticing abnormalities with your pet, such as trouble breathing, pale gums, a distended abdomen, and weakness/unusual lethargy. Surgery will be needed to find the source of the bleeding and stop it as quickly as possible. Some animals that experience significant blood loss may require transfusions to restore their blood volume.
Cuts and Wounds
Cuts, abrasions, and lacerations are very common results of injuries, particularly those sustained due to fighting with other animals falls onto the rough ground, or being involved in a vehicle accident. If the wounds are large, your pet could be at risk of severe bleeding and infection. It may be necessary to carry out surgery to repair moderate to serious skin lacerations and prevent further problems from developing.
If you have any questions about emergency veterinary surgery, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable and reassuring veterinary team in Bozeman, MT by calling (406) 586-2019.